
applying for a

Summer Campership

We are proud to offer a number of Camperships (Camp + Scholarships) annually.

The Max and Marion Caldwell Foundation Campership Program is a cooperative effort between the Foundation, the participating camps, and selected campers’ families. To ensure all partners are fully committed to an excellent summer experience for campers, families are required to pay a portion of the tuition for each Campership they receive.  Click here to meet our previous Campership recipients.

Important Note: At this time, all of our 2025 full Camperships have been awarded.  However, partial Camperships of up to $750 are available at Kennolyn Camps, Huntington Lake.  If this would help your child attend camp this summer, please apply here and our partner camp will contact you directly.



for the summer of a lifetime!

Summer camp is the perfect place for children to unplug from technology, trade in video games for real life adventures in nature, explore and develop new interests, build confidence and skills, make memories and create lasting friendships.

Ready to Apply?LET'S GET STARTED!

Available Camperships


Aunt Marion Campership & Uncle Max Campership
In honor of Kennolyn’s founders, and funded through generous donations from Kennolyn’s families.

Kirkwood Family Campership
Our first endowed family campership, which has now grown to two camperships awarded each summer.

Pat & Jack Veatch Family Campership
Endowed campership for children of a Kennolyn alumni (campers or staff). Pat was first a camper in 1948, and now sends her grandchildren to camp.

Verheijen Family Campership
Bart came to Kennolyn as a camper, at just 7 years old – from the Netherlands!  In his last summer on staff, determined to give another child the same life-altering experience he enjoyed, he donated his entire paycheck to the Foundation. It was so fulfilling, that he decided to endow his own campership!

Bella and Ilya Fishman Campership
Endowed campership in memory of Vicki Maroulis’ parents, who loved the outdoors and whose grandchildren learned to appreciate nature through their time as campers at Kennolyn.

Jeanette LeFevre 10 for 10 Campership
In celebration of her 10 years as a Kennolyn Camper, Jeanette pledged to give 10 campers the opportunity of camp, one camper each year for 10 years.

Chelsea Corey Campership
Chelsea was a camper and counselor at Kennolyn. Each year, her fellow staff members run marathons and other activities to raise funds that sponsor a camper to attend camp in Chelsea’s memory.

Connie Wadsworth Campership
Created in honor of the Foundation’s past president and her dedication to sending kids to camp.

Camper Store Account Campership
Generously funded by Kennolyn campers’ donated store account balances.


Manny Vezie Campership
Pays 80% or 50% of the tuition for children to attend Gold Arrow Camp for a two-week session. Multiple camperships are awarded each year.
These camperships are funded through donations from Gold Arrow alumni and camp families. These camperships are named in honor of Manny Vezie, Gold Arrow’s founder.

Camp Wamp
Sponsors children to attend Camp Wamp, an American Camp Association (ACA) accredited camp serving children with physical disabilities.
This campership is sponsored by an endowment funded by the Caldwell Family Endowment.

Camp Krem
Sponsors children to attend Camp Krem, an American Camp Association (ACA) accredited camp in Santa Cruz County serving children with special needs.
These camperships are sponsored by an endowment funded by Kennolyn Camps.

Via West
Sponsors children to attend Via West, an ACA-accredited camp in Santa Clara County serving children with special needs.
These camperships are sponsored by Gold Arrow Camp and its alumni.

How to Apply

To apply for a Campership:

Complete and submit the appropriate online Campership Application Form (you will be using Submittable, which requires you to create an account).

You must have a spot at the camp before you apply.

Gold Arrow Campership Application (application open Sept 1-Nov 15)
Kennolyn Overnight Camp Camperships Application (application open Sept 1-Nov 15 )
Kennolyn Huntington Lake Camp Camperships Application (application open Sept 1-March15)
Kennolyn Day Camp Camperships Application (application open Jan 1-March 15)

It is the applicant’s responsibility to check your Submittable account to ensure all items are received by the deadline. As we are a 100% volunteer run organization, we do not have an office or any administrative staff.

Application Deadlines

Gold Arrow CampNov 15
Kennolyn Overnight CampNov 15
Kennolyn Huntington Lake CampMarch 15
Kennolyn Day CampMarch 15
Camp Krem, Camp Via West, and Camp Wamp (contact these camps directly)

Each year we receive more applications than we have Camperships to award. Please be aware that if you are applying for multiple children in your family, and we are able to award a Campership to one of them, we do not guarantee Camperships for the other(s). In addition, we do not guarantee that if you’ve been awarded a Campership in a previous year that you will be awarded one again. Finally, all information on availability of camp sessions is at the sole discretion of the camp to which you are awarded the Campership.

If there are only certain sessions that work for your schedule, please check with the camp to inquire about availability before you apply. Campers must enroll separately with the participating camp and the Camperships are paid directly to the camp.

Meet our previous

Campership Recipients

Since its inception, the Foundation has sent hundreds of children to summer camp through philanthropic contributions, including by generous benefactors who fully fund camperships and endowments.  In addition, countless donations in every imaginable amount have been received from thousands of donors, including from campers themselves!  Every year, many Camperships are funded solely through a combination of these funds, large and small, and the generously donated remaining balances from Kennolyn Resident Campers’ store accounts.
